Discover Number Separators
Here are 5 great articles to keep up with WWDC 😌
Last week has been incredibly busy with all the new announcements Apple has made during WWDC!
So for this email, I want to share with you 5 articles that should help you easily catch up with all the new additions 👌
There are so many cool new features in Swift and Xcode 🤩
What a Keynote!
But I’m sure you’ve already heard all there is to know about what was announced during the Keynote. So I won’t be talking about it.
How would you answer this typical iOS interview question? 🤨
“What’s the difference between method overload and method override?”
How would you answer this typical iOS interview question? 🤨
Here's the answer I would suggest!
3 tips to write better Swift code
Here are 5 great blog articles to learn something new 🧑🎓
Now that my SwiftUI training course has been completed, I’ve been able to bring back one of my favorite livestream format: my “live” newsletter!
The concept is simple: I make a list of 5 articles that I feel are worth reading, and then I discover them and comment them live.
How to refactor using Associated Values
Here are my 5 favorite Swift tips 🤌
I’ve realized that I’ve been sharing tips to help iOS developers write better code for something like five years!
Over that time I’ve shared a good amount of tips, covering very different topics.
So I figured it would be interesting if I were to go over that (long) list and pick my top 5 tips, the ones that I believe are really worth knowing!
Here’s another great learning resource 👌
In previous emails I have already shared with you some of my favorite learning resources.
I’ve received very good feedback for these emails, so I figured: why not write another one?
Discover dump()
85% of iOS developers got the wrong answer 🫢
I guess you’ve realized by now that I really like making quizzes about weird pieces of Swift trivia!
Here’s the last one I’ve asked on social media…
Did you know Property Wrappers are great debugging tools? 🐛
I don’t know about you, but I always find it particularly satisfactory when I discover a clever new use case of a well known tool!
And the topic of this email is definitely an instance of that!
Discover how @MainActor works
I learned so much from these videos 😌
In a previous email I shared with you how much I had learned from the website NSHipster.
Today I want to share another learning resource that helped me a lot back in 2018, when I wanted to get a really deep knowledge of Swift.
3 mistakes to avoid with async / await
Do you know this trick to spot memory leaks? 🤨
Today is a bank holiday in France, and I’m quite happy I have this extra day off to settle down and rest a bit 😌
But before I go enjoying my day I want to share a pretty cool trick with you, that should help you notice more easily when a ViewController starts to leak from memory!
Discover LazySequence
3 mistakes to avoid with Optionals
Here are 5 (new) tips you can start using today 🚀
I received very positive feedback about my previous email where I shared 5 tips you could start using immediately.
So how about we go for 5 more?