Apple made it easy to keep track with all the WWDC additions 🍎

Hi 👋

The past few days have been quite intense for me! I’ve been on a business trip and I only made it home yesterday afternoon 🥵

However I didn’t want to miss my weekly email, so I’ve managed to still put something together!

This week I wanted to share some very useful links: the release notes that Apple has created to list all the new additions their frameworks and tools!

These release notes are not as widely known as the WWDC video sessions, but they’re still super useful, because they make it very easy to glance over all the changes.

All the release notes for WWDC 2023 are available on this page.

And I want to highlight three of them, that are particularly interesting for iOS developers:

I really encourage you to take a look at them: they will help you get a good picture of all the new features you might be able to use soon!

That’s all for this email, thanks for reading it!

If you’ve enjoyed it, feel free to forward it
to your friends and colleagues 🙌

I wish you an amazing week!



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