This is my first (traditional) newsletter đź“®

First, I have a big thank you to all the people that attended my first “livestream newsletter” on Thursday ❤️

However, I know that this format isn’t for everyone, so here’s the traditional e-mail version of my newsletter 💌

Task Groups in Swift explained with code examples

The Concurrency API is becoming the standard solution in Swift to deal with Asynchronous Code. In this article, Antoine explains how to use TaskGroup, one of the advanced concepts in Concurrency that allows to manager a dynamic number of Task.

How to sort by multiple properties in Swift

This article by Sarun is all about how to implement complex data manipulation algorithm, like the one that allows you to sort an array of values using more than one sorting criterion.

Text modifiers in SwiftUI

You might remember Natalia from a great video we recorded together last year! In this article she explain the neat tricks we can use to combine Text modifiers in SwiftUI.

Understanding SwiftUI view lifecycles

If you use SwiftUI in your app, then this article from Ole is a must-read! It recaps how the lifecycle of a SwiftUI is structured, and knowing it can really help you avoid subtle bugs in your apps!

How To Speed Up Swift By Ordering Conformances

Maybe you’ve see a popular Twitter thread that explained how the operators as? and as! were actually slowing the startup time of iOS apps? In this article Noah is going to share all the details behind this surprising phenomenon, along with a solution to fix it!

That’s all for this first (traditional) newsletter, thanks for reading it ❤️

PS: there should be a new “livestream newsletter” in two weeks 🤫


Discover CaseIterable


How to write your first API call