How to mock any network call with URLProtocol
When should you use a hybrid framework? 🤔
A couple weeks ago I did a livestream and someone in the chat asked me a very interesting question:
What’s your opinion on using hybrid frameworks to develop apps?
It’s a question that’s actually quite common and I’ve realized that I’ve never created any content on this topic!
So it’s time to fill that gap, here’s my answer to that question.
Bad practice: not using .isMultiple(of:)
How to write safer code using the Lock 🔒 and Key 🔑 pattern
Bad practice: using .lowercased() to compare strings
Do you know what translatesAutoresizing MaskIntoConstraints actually does? 🤨
If you’ve ever written programmatic layout code with UIKit, you already know that if you forget this line, it’s guaranteed that your UI will break.
But have you ever wondered why that’s the case?
What does this line exactly do?
And what’s this “autoresizing mask” that it mentions?
How to make a completionHandler much safer
How to give great answers to technical interview questions 👩🏽💻👨🏻💻
Going through a technical interview is a stressful experience 😣
Between the interviewer that tries to evaluate your skills and the pressure of trying to land a job, it's very easy to stumble and deliver subpar answers 🫠
So I want to share with you a simple 3-step framework that will help you answer interview question in a way that feels clear, structured and impactful 😌
Bad practice: loading a large image on the main thread
Hidden feature: subscript
How to write Unit Tests for Code Performance ⏱️
How to easily debug your network code 🛰️
Debugging network code can be a pretty frustrating experience…
But did you know that there are tools that make it easier?
Bad practice: using "YYYY" to format a Date
How to get started with The Composable Architecture 📱
Are you looking to learn how The Composable Architecture (or TCA) works?
As it turns out, learning TCA might be easier than you think!
Did you know that Xcode has a search history? 💡
I’m sure you’ve already used the search feature in Xcode.
But did you know that it has a hidden feature?
Hidden feature: typealias
Swift has more formatters than you think! 🤯
If you have some experience with iOS, I’m pretty sure you’ve already used a DateFormatter or a NumberFormatter.
But did you know that Swift has more formatters than just these two?
Bad practice: not using PersonNameComponentsFormatter
Here are 8 tips to design a great paywall 🤑
For subscription apps, the paywall is very important because it’s basically the salesperson of the app.
That’s why such apps spend a lot of time trying to optimize their paywall as best as possible: the better a paywall is, the more revenue it generates.
So let’s go over 8 tips that will help you design a great paywall 🚀
Are optional closures escaping or not? 🤨
Have a look at this function: func f(_ closure: (() -> Void)? = nil)
Would you say that the optional closure is escaping or not?